jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

No country for bad movies

First of all, I have to say that I love suspense movies, specially that ones with criminal theme. But the best movie for me, and probably one of the greatest that ever be created is No country for old men, produced and directed by the Coen brothers.  

I liked this movie because of its excellent cast and its incredible plot. Funny thing, I watched this movie for the first time this year and I've already watched it like 6 times since then.
This film was so great because of Javier Bardem performance. He acted as a misterious and cold blood serial killer who was looking for a man who stole a briefcase with money. I think his performance was one of the greatest that I ever saw. In fact, it was so great that he won an Oscar for it. 

Beside thrillers, I really like Tarantino's movies and, sometimes, I like to watch comedies but none of them can be compared with a criminal thriller with a good cast and a complex argument.

The last movie I watched was an horror one. I can't remember the name because it was too boring (lol) and I falled asleep in the middle of the movie. I think its called The nun or something like that, but, definitely, I don't recommend that movie hahaha unless you like those kind of horror movies with jump scares and stuff like that. 

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

The best concert of my life

When I was a teenager I really liked a ska-punk band who have a "left"politic discourse name Ska-p. I started to listen to them when I was twelve years old and, I had the opportunity to see them two times. First in 2011 and then in 2013. I liked them because of their joyful and motivating music.

Also, I have to say that concert in 2011 was my first concert when I was sixteen years old, and until now days, was the best that I've been so far.

I still remember that day of november where after school, I went to Movistar Arena with two friends. We had bought the cheapest tickets so we had to went to the crowdest part of the building but that was the best part of all. I remember all the people singing, jumping, dancing and moshing with joy and freedom. Hahaha, I really loved that. But, when the band was finishing the show, one guy stealed a fire extinguisher and started to spray the content all over the place. In fact, the band had to stop the show and asked that guy to stoped the nonesense. Besides that, I really enjoyed the experience. 
Now, I'm twenty four years old and I'm not listen to Ska-p anymore. Indeed, I have some disagreement with them, but the memories of that concert still remain in my heart and my soul.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

The place I really want to go...

First, I have to say that I love the idea of travelling and visit other countries. I feel attracted in many ways whith others culture and ways of living, but since I was a child, I've always wanted to visit Russia. I don't know what exactly is but there's something in this country that makes me feel connected with it in some special way. I've always been interested in its geography, literature, music and, most of all, in its history and their philosophers. 

If someday I have the oportunity to visit it, I would like to travel across the country. It would be amazing go to Sochi, Saint Petersburg or Moscow, and get to know their historic buildings and their greatest monuments.

I wish that someday I could live in any of those cities. Maybe I could study something like their language or their philosophy, while I work in anything that can pay me enough money to live in there hahaha. At least for a year, and I'm sure that would be the best experience of my life.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Me & myself: Personal information on social media

In these days, there's a discussion of how trusful are social media websites such as Facebook or Instagram. Recently, Facebook was hacked and over 50 millions users were afected. Things like that show to us how unsafe could be to share personal information on internet. Even though, people still sharing their information in these websites. So do I. 
I think that there always will exist the risk of hacking, so it's our responsablity to make sure how much of our information we'll share. The limit for me are basics things like names, photos and some personal preferences.
Beside that, I don't like much to post about myself nor my thinks. I prefer to share articles or music. In fact, I prefer to read about my friends and my family rather than post something about myself.
My favourite social media is Youtube. Beacause it doesn't required too much information for registration and you can watch whatever you like at any moment in any time.

English experience

My experience learning english at the university until now has been great, especially for the blog writing. I mean, I had neve...