jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

Me & myself: Personal information on social media

In these days, there's a discussion of how trusful are social media websites such as Facebook or Instagram. Recently, Facebook was hacked and over 50 millions users were afected. Things like that show to us how unsafe could be to share personal information on internet. Even though, people still sharing their information in these websites. So do I. 
I think that there always will exist the risk of hacking, so it's our responsablity to make sure how much of our information we'll share. The limit for me are basics things like names, photos and some personal preferences.
Beside that, I don't like much to post about myself nor my thinks. I prefer to share articles or music. In fact, I prefer to read about my friends and my family rather than post something about myself.
My favourite social media is Youtube. Beacause it doesn't required too much information for registration and you can watch whatever you like at any moment in any time.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you, Pato. I also don´t like to post about myself, I am very cautious


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